Everything you need to know…

I am worried my child will not settle
Most children settle quickly, and within a few minutes are engaged in an activity. The majority of the children already know us from their time at Playgroup. We will work with you to ensure your child settles and is happy. We will ring you after you have left if your child is upset to update you on their progress.

I have no cheque book! How can I pay?
You can pay by Cash, Bank transfer, or by vouchers. We accept all voucher payments; please contact Liz for full details as these may have to be set up in advance. Our Bank Account Number is 70055613, Sort Code: 09 01 28 , please use your child’s name as a reference when paying by bank transfer.

My child has allergies, how will this be dealt with?
We have dealt with children who have different allergies ranging from mild to severe. All medical conditions and allergies are relayed to staff. All of our staff are Paediatric First Aiders and attend a 12 hour course every 3 years.

Help – I urgently need a last minute booking!
Please contact Liz via email on busylizzieskidsclub@gmail.com – you will get a swift response. Alternatively call the settings mobile, which is switched on until 7.30 am. For Ad hoc booking please pay on the door or by bank transfer on the day.

I want to pay by voucher, what voucher suppliers do you use?
Go to the how to pay page.

For more information call Tony on 01992 304477 or email busylizzieskidsclub@gmail.com

Meet The Team, Busy Lizzies Kids Club

The staff have very strong links with the pre-school, nursery and school on site. All of the staff work across the settings. This ensures excellent continuity in children’s care, learning and support. Our staff provide the very best care for your child at all times.

Kids on play equipment, Busy Lizzies Kids Club

Breakfast Buddies opens at 7.45am and you can drop your child off anytime before 8.15am. We offer a healthy, varied, nutritious breakfast, which includes a selection of cereal, toast, crumpets, porridge, yogurts and fruit, served until 8.15am.

Kids playing, Busy Lizzies Kids Club

The Musketeers is a fun-filled After School club offering extended childcare within the Bengeo School setting. We offer 3 flexible pick up times: 3.15pm, 4.15pm or 6pm. Our staff will collect the children and escort them to Busy Lizzies.

Click here to download our Breakfast Buddies and Musketeers club application forms and send them back to us at the address below. Alternatively drop them into the Kids Club.